Imagine we lived in a world where if you wanted to lose 30 pounds all you would need to do is walk up to your doctor’s clinic, read a magazine for 10 minutes, while your doctor points a device which shoots out a laser towards your back… then you just stroll out having just spent thousands of pounds in the process.
If you had the money to spare and a beer belly to get rid of, would you opt for such a procedure?
Would you ever consider this sort of weight loss shortcut to get results?
With the procedure sounding so simple and effective it would be hard for most people to say no.
You might be surprised but it seems that we are getting closer and closer to that reality. There are two organisations out there that go by the name of Zeltiq Aesthetics and Erchonia Medical, both of which are based in the USA, who have developed a sort of lazier pointer that reportedly zaps pockets of fat. They are claiming real results quickly, which were previously only seen offered by people who sold weight loss gimmicks.
These two companies are claiming that their product offers people the chance to lose weight in any area of the body, by simply using lasers that are pointed to the fat. This causes all the fat in that area to come out of the cells, into the lymphatic system, where the body will be able to use the fat as a source of energy.
While it may seem great on the surface you need to realize that you won’t see immediate results with this technique.
It takes about 2 months for the whole process to take effect on the body.
Tests that were carried out showed that the average person lost about 3.5 inches over a period of 2 months.
So while it may not be the instant fat loss solution that you were hoping for, it certainly seems to produce real results and definitely blows away some of the most popular weight loss scams out there.
I love a good shortcut that actually produces the results you were looking for without compromising the quality of the journey or the process that you used to get there.
So is this laser fat loss tech really a valid shortcut to help you lose weight?
Truth be told, it is a shortcut but only if fat is the only thing that you want to lose.
But in terms of a shortcut that improves the health and overall quality of your life, I wouldn’t say that this solution will help you much.
To be honest, you’re goal shouldn’t just be to lose weight but to take those actions that will help you live the healthiest possible life. I would avoid all those things that offer you fast results without taking you through the journey of getting sustainable long term results.
If these laser products actually get the results that they claim to get, the issue is that ultimately they are not going to be helping you get to the underlying issues that are causing your weight gain. You may in fact lose weight initially but eventually you will just gain it on again.
Losing weight is more than just losing a few pounds here and there. While learning how to lose belly fat in a week is a great start you need to develop a more longer term vision to get great results.
Doing it the more traditional way by eating right and exercising regularly will help your overall health improve. You will see an increase in lean muscle mass, your organs will be healthier, you will have much higher energy levels, and you will be a lot more sensitive to insulin.
It is extremely doubtful that you will experience the same sort of benefits from having laser pointed at you. Not only will it cost you a fortune, but you will more than likely end up putting the weight that you’ve lost right back on.
The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it the old fashioned way, through hard work and dedication.
If you can literally get rid of your excess fat without making any changes to their lifestyle, then what is actually preventing people from continuing their unhealthy diet habits and way of life?
It would be extremely interesting to see how this laser treatment would actually fare against other fat loss procedures out there such as bariatric surgery, which is often used to help people who are morbidly obese.
Keep in mind that people only go under the knife to get Bariatric surgery to overcome obesity in order to prevent some chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
There is a lot of research which says that while it is a high risk procedure it certainly seems to be quite effective. Ultimately this surgery will help people lose weight and reduce the chances that they get any serious disease.
The laser procedure is extremely unlikely to do this and here are some of the reasons why I believe this to be true:
Bariatric surgery is just one half of the equation. In order for the patient to see long lasting results, they will have to get on a healthy diet that is full of fresh, natural foods.
Ultimately this will lead to you seeing not only the weight drop off but also see an improvement in the condition of the individuals overall health.
Ultimately this kind of laser treatment while good at giving you initial results, isn’t worth trusting if you want long lasting results that not only help to keep off the fat, but also help to improve the quality of your life.
Believe me, I’ve got nothing against seeing advancements in technology.
So whether or not this laser technology improves with time, we will have to see.
But keep in mind that there is nothing more effective and long lasting when it comes to losing weight, than eating the right foods and exercising on a consistent basis.
You will have to put in some real hard work, but believe me it will be more than worth it down the line!