You must have heard it pretty often, ‘You are what you eat’, and this is actually true. We all know that already, but how many of us actually eat mindfully, keeping this very thing in mind. When we think about...
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Top 7 Tips for Reducing Stress

There are times when we can’t balance work and family life. We place expectations on our own selves and we fail to meet them. Similarly, our life partner, child or boss may pose demands we cannot fulfill. Either way, stress...
10 Types Of Foods That Get Your Digestion Going

Today everything has to happen quickly. We don’t have time. No time to cook proper food, no time to sit down for lunch, no time to chew our food properly. But times are changing and with many people experiencing food...
5 Secret Benefits of Sprouted Foods for Weight Loss

Sprouting grains,beans and also nuts are becoming increasingly popular these days and that too for obvious reasons. Let us look into some very convincing reasons which would encourage you to sprout your foods: High Fiber Content One of benefits of sprouted...
Understanding Lupus – What Are Its Types and Symptoms

If you follow popular global entertainment news, you’re probably aware that there are high profile celebrities dealing with Lupus. Singer and actress Selena Gomez underwent a kidney transplant to outwork the severe impact of lupus on her system. Meanwhile, soul...
Top 19 Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds have been trusted for different types of diseases for years. Now in modern days young generation also find it helpful in many diseases like Fever, diabetes, weight loss, sore throat, constipation, kidney, heart, digestion, acne, hair fall etc....
Challenges and Tips When the Second Child Is Coming

So, baby number two is coming – another endearing moment and another blessing to cherish bestowed upon your lovely family. Most of the time having a second pregnancy really is a happiness and love beyond measure as you expect another...
The Top 5 Things You Can Do to Ensure a Healthy Natural Pregnancy

Eat Well During the period of Pregnancy you've to strive to take in approximately 200 extra calories per day, mainly from high-quality sources of protein – eat 3-to-4 servings of meat and protein alternatives every day. To ensure natural pregnancy...
6 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy

Energy is the fuel that keeps your mind and body going. What happens when you run out of it? When your energy levels fall into the red zone, you are not functioning with your full capacities. The lack of vital...
Asthma: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Respiratory infections may be the number one cause of visits to U.S. healthcare centers, but asthma is a no less pressing healthcare concern. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, asthmatic problems account for nearly 2 million visits to America’s...