Most people know that every fall Social Security sets new rates for Medicare premiums, copays, and coinsurance in the following year. In some years that’s all that really changes, but in 2019 we also have some additional changes that can...
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10 Foods That Can Lower Your Risks of Cancer | Food for Cancer

You are what you eat!! Food is the fuel on which our body works. It is the source of various nutrients that are needed to ensure proper bodily functions. Poor eating habits and diet can be closely associated with various...
How Much Surrogacy Cost You Should Give to Your Doctor?

All surrogacy programs, including surrogacy combined with egg and sperm donation and commercial surrogacy, are legal in India and most of the clinics in Kolkata have the primary goal of helping surrogate mothers and biological parents find one another. They...
5 Budget Friendly Ways to Improve Your Kids Health

Today’s children have a steeper uphill climb to face in maintaining their health. Back in the day, kids were eager to run wild outdoors. Their food tended to be made from scratch with natural, local ingredients. They slept at a...
Why STD Testing is a major part of Corporate Wellness

Corporate wellness simply involves a company ensuring the good health of its employees so as to limit the costs of healthcare for the company, while increasing productivity by alleviating absenteeism. Despite rules and guidelines prohibiting workplace relationships, many companies have...
How to Sleep Better When You Have a Bad Cough

Common illnesses are all disruptive but perhaps the most annoying out of all of them is a bad cough. Not only does it mess with your physical comfort, but it is disturbing to other people as well. If you’re married,...
10 Signs It’s Time to Seek Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drug addiction occurs when someone misuses medication that is given to them by a medical professional. These most common drugs that are abused are opioids such as oxycodone, fentanyl and codeine. People also abuse Xanax, Valium and Klonopin these...
Is It Safe To Do Bleaching Hair While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a crucial period in every woman’s life when she thinks only about the safety of his kid inside and nothing else comes in her mind. One most common question comes to every pregnant woman's mind is to do...
Eyelash Extensions Before and After (A Must Have For a Perfect Wedding)

Are you getting married anytime soon? If so, then you might consider getting lash extensions. These are actually a practical and popular solution worldwide, and they are the perfect time-saving option. Top 7 Reasons Why Lash tensions Are A Must...
How to Relieve Stress During Pregnancy – Top 10 Ways By Experts

Pregnancy is the most crucial phase for both the partners. A stressful male is okay, but a childbearing woman in stress can prove dangerous for the baby. Studies have suggested that mothers who are undergoing a high level of stress...