10 Foods That Can Lower Your Risks of Cancer | Food for Cancer

food for cancer

You are what you eat!!

Food is the fuel on which our body works. It is the source of various nutrients that are needed to ensure proper bodily functions. Poor eating habits and diet can be closely associated with various lifestyle diseases and even cancer. Including healthy and nutritious food is the need of the hour to keep ourselves healthy. People often ask which food is recommended for cancer risk reduction.

It is important to eat foods rich in fibre and vitamins. By making a healthy choice we can reduce the risks of cancer. Along with eating the right food, we need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to keep diseases at bay. A balanced diet along with some physical activity will strengthen the core of the body and further empowers the immune system.

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Monitoring diet is the first step towards a healthy life. You should identify whether the food you are eating is fulfilling the needs of the body or not. You should ensure to stay away from foods containing saturated fats and high-calorie food.

For preventing cancer or lower the risk of cancer, we need to classify which foods that we intake are risk-reducing.

Let us explore 10 foods which can help in decreasing and preventing the risks that are associated with cancer.


  • Soy is one of the major sources of amino acids which are needed by the body for producing proteins.
  • They contain a good proportion of calcium, potassium, magnesium, fibre.
  • Phytochemicals present in soy has the potential to reduce the chances of spreading of tumour.
  • Intake of soy also helps in regulating the growth of cell and destruction of cancer cells
  • Eating soy-based foods promotes the intestinal system and reduces cholesterol.


  • Flaxseeds are a rich source of protein, fibre and omega -3 Fatty acids.
  • It contains Lignans, which gives the Flaxseeds their antioxidant and estrogen properties.
  • Helpful in preventing breast and prostate cancer.
  • High fibre content boosts metabolism and prevents constipation.
  • Source of Alpha-Linolic Acid (ALA), which is a type of Omega -3 Fatty acid. ALA is not produced by the human body. Hence, flaxseeds fulfil the requirement of ALA needed for the systems of the body.
  • Nutritional values of Flaxseeds are also helpful in the treatment and preventions of chronic diseases, cholesterol, heart diseases

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  • Carrots are a good source of fibre, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B3.
  • It is beneficial for cardiovascular health and keeps heart healthy.
  • Carrots get their Anti-cancer properties from polyacetylenes.
  • Antioxidants in carrots help in reducing the risks associated with cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • They also contain beta-carotene, which protects cell membranes and decreases the growth of cancer cells.
  • Regular intake of carrots improves digestive health, controls blood pressure and diabetes.

Green Tea

  • Green tea is known to be the healthiest beverage and contains ample amount of nutrients required for boosting the systems of the body.
  • A healthier alternative to regular tea and coffee improves digestion and assists in fat burning
  • Green tea contains antioxidants in abundance and can play an important role in the prevention of cancer
  • Antioxidants in green tea reduce the damaging to cells of the body and hence control the production of cancer cells
  • Including a cup of green tea can prove to be beneficial in maintaining the overall health.


  • Turmeric is known for its medicinal and healing characteristics.
  • Curcumin gives turmeric its anti inflammatory properties and is one of the most bioactive ingredients in turmeric.
  • Turmeric can slow the pace of angiogenesis and hence, controls and decreases the growth of cancer cells in the body.
  • Anti-oxidants found in turmeric boosts the immune system and gut health.
  • Intake of Turmeric in required proportions is helpful in preventing risks associated with brain diseases.

Onion & Garlic

  • Onion and garlic are not only used to enhance the taste of the food but also has medicinal properties.
  • Including onion and garlic in the routine diet increases the infection-fighting ability of the body.
  • They are great sources of healthy sulphur compounds.
  • Garlic contains compounds known as Saponins which shows anti-tumour activity.
  • Onion and garlic reduces tumour growth and restricts spreading of the tumour to various parts of the body

Citrus Fruits

  • Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, limes, grapefruit etc. are abundant in Vitamin –C.
  • Being a good source of fibre, they provide enough roughage to the body which helps in improved bowel movements.
  • Citrus fruits help the body to absorb necessary nutrients and increases the production of red blood cells.
  • Citrus fruits contain Nobiletin and vitamin C which have antiangiogenic properties reduces the growth and spreading of tumours.
  • The water content in the citrus fruits keep the body hydrated and keeps the bodily functions work properly


  • Known to be a superfood, spinach is one of the natural energy boosters.
  • Spinach is a rich source of iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
  • Like Flaxseeds, Spinach also contains ALA which controls the glucose levels and stress induced changes in patients with diabetes.
  • Intake of Spinach helps in managing diet and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Chlorophyll present in spinach is helpful in blocking and reducing the production of cell growth.
  • Abundance of Vitamin- A, helps in growth of tissues and also contributes in maintaining healthy hair and diet.


  • Resveratrol, a phytochemical found in grapes is known for its anti-cancer properties.
  • Grapes are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K and antioxidants which help in preventing chronic and heart diseases.
  • Grapes have anti-inflammatory properties which block the production of cancer cells.
  • Grapes are abundant in compounds that help in enhancing retention power of memory and uplifts mood.

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  • Broccoli, coming from the cabbage family, contains dozen of nutrients.
  • Broccoli contains a significant amount of Omega- 3 Fatty acids which give anti-inflammatory properties to it.
  • It is also a powerful antioxidant with a significant concentration of vitamin- C.
  • High level of calcium and Vitamin K also helps in maintaining good bone and heart health.
  • Broccoli is suitable mainly in prevention of breast and uterus cancer, due to its immune boosting characteristics.
  • It also has properties which decreases estrogen which is one of the causes of cancer in the body.

These are the Food for Cancer that can be reducing the risk of cancer if you take it on a regular basis. Please ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle to live longer and healthy.

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